Washed Car Keys in the Washing Machine: Oops! Now What?

Last Updated on 9 months by Saifuddin Masuk

Discovering that you’ve accidentally washed your car keys in the washing machine can be a moment of sheer panic. The thought of your precious car keys submerged in water can send shivers down your spine, as you worry about the potential damage caused. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to salvage your washed car keys and provide valuable insights on preventing such mishaps in the future. So, take a deep breath and let’s dive into the world of washed car keys and how to tackle this situation effectively.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Impact on Car Keys that Washed in Washing Machine

A man looks for lost car keys in washing machine

How Water Damages Car Keys:

Water can wreak havoc on car keys, especially the electronic ones commonly used in modern vehicles. These keys contain delicate circuitry and components that are highly vulnerable to water damage. The exposure to moisture can cause corrosion, short-circuits, and malfunctioning.

Risks to Car Key Functionality and Electronic Components:

When water seeps into the key’s internal components, it can lead to various functional issues. Buttons may become unresponsive, and the keyless entry systems may fail to work properly. The transponder chips and immobilizers, responsible for security and ignition functions, can also suffer damage.

Possible Consequences of Not Addressing the Issue:

Ignoring the problem and not taking immediate action can have severe consequences. Inoperable car ignition systems, inability to start the vehicle, or difficulties accessing your car can all result from water damage to the keys. Furthermore, replacing or reprogramming damaged car keys can be a costly affair.

Assessing the Situation after Washed Car Keys in the Washing Machine

A man searching lost car keys in a washing machine

Identifying Signs of Water Damage: After retrieving the washed car keys, closely examine them for any visible signs of water damage. Look for changes in their physical appearance, such as discoloration or warping. Additionally, pay attention to non-responsive buttons or signals when attempting to use the keys.

Checking for Functionality After Washed the car keys in Washing Machine:

It’s crucial to assess whether the keys still function properly after the washing machine incident. Attempt to start the car using the key and test the remote keyless entry functions. If there are any issues, it’s important to avoid further attempts until the keys are properly dried and treated.

Taking Precautions Before Attempting to Use the Keys:

Before using the washed keys, it’s essential to take necessary precautions to prevent any potential electrical hazards. Avoid using wet keys to start the car or inserting them into any electronic devices. If you’re uncertain about their condition, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Salvaging Car Keys that Washed in Washing Machine

A car keys lay on a surface

Act Quickly and Remove from the Washing Machine:

As soon as you realize your keys have been washed, immediately turn off the washing machine and retrieve the keys from the water. The longer the keys remain submerged, the higher the risk of damage.

Do Not Attempt to Use the Keys Immediately:

Resist the temptation to use the keys right away, as they need sufficient drying time. Using wet keys can exacerbate the damage and potentially harm your car’s electrical systems. Patience is key in this situation.

Drying the Keys and Removing Excess Moisture:

To dry the keys, start by gently shaking them to remove any excess water. Pat them dry with a clean towel, ensuring you reach all the crevices. You can also utilize absorbent materials like rice or silica gel to speed up the drying process. If using a hairdryer, exercise caution and use low heat settings to avoid overheating or melting the keys.

Separating Electronic Components (If Applicable):

If your car key contains electronic components such as a key fob, carefully open it to expose the internal circuitry. Remove the batteries or any other removable parts to prevent further damage. Allow each component to dry separately.

Cleaning the Keys:

Once the keys are dry, it’s important to clean them to remove any residue or contaminants. Use a mild soap and warm water solution to gently clean the keys. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the key’s surface.

Testing Functionality and Programming (If Applicable):

Reassemble the electronic components and insert the batteries back into the key fob, if applicable. Test the functionality by using the buttons and verifying the remote control and transponder capabilities. If you experience any issues, it’s advisable to consult a professional for further assistance.

Seeking Professional Help if Necessary:

If your washed car keys are still not functioning correctly after attempting the above steps, it’s best to seek professional help. Contact a reputable locksmith or your car dealer for advice and possible repair or reprogramming options.

Preventive Measures

Storing Car Keys Safely: Develop a habit of storing your car keys in designated key holders or keychains. Keep them in a safe and dry place to minimize the risk of accidental exposure to water.

A set of car keys

Avoiding Exposure to Water:

Before doing laundry, always double-check your pockets to ensure your keys are not inside. Be cautious during water-related activities such as swimming, boating, or gardening to prevent water damage.

Using Protective Cases and Covers:

Consider investing in water-resistant or waterproof key covers to provide an extra layer of protection. Shock-absorbing cases can also help safeguard your keys from accidental drops or impacts.

Checking Clothing Pockets Before Doing Laundry:

Make it a routine to check all clothing pockets before throwing them into the washing machine. This simple habit can save you from the stress and hassle of dealing with washed car keys.

Considering Alternative Key Options:

Explore alternative key options such as keyless entry systems or smartphone apps. These options eliminate the need for physical keys and reduce the risk of water damage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Explore these frequently asked questions (FAQs) to find answers and solutions regarding washed car keys in the washing machine. Get insights on repairing, prevention, DIY methods, professional help, drying time, and more.

A set of car keys attached with the steering wheel

1. Can washed car keys be repaired?

A: Yes, depending on the extent of the damage, washed car keys can often be repaired. It’s best to consult a professional locksmith or car dealer for assistance.

2. What if my car keys still don’t work after drying them?

A: If your car keys are still not functioning properly after drying, it’s recommended to seek professional help. They can assess the damage and provide potential solutions or replacements.

3. Is it possible to prevent water damage to car keys entirely?

A: While it’s challenging to completely prevent water damage, you can take preventive measures such as storing keys in safe places, using protective covers, and being mindful of water exposure.

4. Should I try to open my car with wet keys?

A: It’s not advisable to use wet keys to open your car as it can lead to further damage or short-circuits. It’s best to dry the keys thoroughly before attempting to use them.

5. Are there any DIY methods to fix water-damaged car keys?

A: While there are some DIY methods, such as drying the keys and cleaning them, it’s important to proceed with caution. For complex issues, it’s recommended to consult professionals.

6. Can a locksmith help if my car keys are damaged?

A: Yes, locksmiths are skilled in dealing with various key-related issues. They can assess the damage, provide repairs, or offer replacement options if necessary.

7. How long does it take for car keys to dry completely?

A: The drying time can vary depending on factors like the key’s construction, humidity levels, and drying methods used. It’s recommended to allow at least 24 hours for thorough drying.

8. Is it safe to use a hairdryer on car keys?

A: It can be safe to use a hairdryer on car keys, but it’s crucial to use low heat settings and maintain a safe distance to prevent overheating or damage to the keys.

9. Can water damage affect keyless entry systems?

A: Yes, water damage can impact the functionality of keyless entry systems. It’s essential to dry and assess the components thoroughly or seek professional assistance if needed.

10. How do I clean car keys without causing further damage?

A: To clean car keys, use a mild soap and warm water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the key’s surface. Rinse thoroughly and dry properly.

11. Are there any indicators that my car keys have been damaged?

A: Signs of water damage to car keys include physical changes like discoloration or warping, non-responsive buttons, or issues with keyless entry and ignition functions.


Accidentally washed your car keys in the washing machine. This can be a stressful experience. However, by following the step-by-step guide to salvage your washed car keys and implementing preventive measures, you can mitigate the damage and minimize future risks. Remember to act quickly, take precautions, and seek professional help if necessary. By doing so, you can get back on the road with fully functional car keys and avoid potential costly replacements or repairs. Stay mindful and keep those car keys away from the washing machine!

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